
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The journey to Easter for adults seeking to become part of the Catholic community operates each year in the parish beginning normally in September and continuing to beyond Easter the following year.

 A RCIA leader and some parishioners journey with the catechumens and candidates each year. It is open to anyone who wishes to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church.

Sometimes people who were baptised as Catholics as children but who never went on to make their First Communion or Confirmation join the program. Sometimes people who were baptised in other Christian Churches wish to make the journey. Sometimes people who have never been baptised, or had any previous contact with the Church become part of the catechumenal journey.

The highpoint of the journey is the celebration of the sacraments of Initiation during the Mass of the Resurrection at the Easter Vigil. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in this journey. Phone: 9401 6355